Happy New Year’s! I hope you are all safe, healthy and happy and off to a great start in 2021! Rest assured; Ombi Travel is still here even though travel is restricted. We have been busy working on improving processes, upskilling and trying to keep you inspired! We may have been quiet but we will be ready to roar when travel is permitted!

Over the past year I have spent a lot of time dreaming about travel and missing that annual winter escape right about now. I don’t know about you, but I need more than dreams right now. Travelling provides me with purpose and gives me something to look forward to. This is why I have decided to focus on something different for 2021; shop local has been a movement for a long time, but became even more important in 2020 and it gave me the idea that we can also apply this to travel.

That is why Ombi Travel is starting off 2021 with a new series called “Love Where You Live”! If we want to go anywhere, it makes sense to look a little closer to home. Perhaps you might take out the RV and hit the open road, or rent a boat down the Rideau Canal. Our hope is this series gives you something to look forward to or helps scratch that travel itch. If you don’t feel safe to go any where right now, we understand, but I am confident that this series will still bring you joy and inspiration for when you do feel ready and safe.

This series will take a look at “travelling local” by exploring all things Canada. Our country is big, so local has a bit of a larger reach in this series, but like ‘buy Canadian’, ‘travel Canadian’ does have a nice ring to it, n’est pa? Each month we will explore a different province or territory and with in each week, we will break it down into four different areas of focus, that include:

  • Unique experiences – we will share with you some out-of-the-box things you can see or do
  • Unique Accommodations - we will be hunting down not only unique accommodations, but sustainable and eco-friendly options as well
  • Food – we want to help you answer the question: what culinary delight must one try during their visit or where should might one eat?
  • Wildcard – Time permitting, we will focus on something unique to that province/territory. We want to be able to customize this series, explore and share the differences that exist within our beautiful country and this wildcard week will give us this freedom

We understand that not all provincial borders are open to other provinces at this time, but this series will give you a lot of different ideas and options so that we can all stop dreaming and slowly move forward with action.

If you have any suggestions that you want me to add, please feel free to reach out. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter at www.ombitravel.com to receive updates on this series.

So, what do you think? Are you ombi (excite)? I am, so let’s get started, eh?